Guess What Happens If You Let Your Kids Treat You Like Garbage?
In today’s child-centered parenting approach, parents seem to confuse “being kind and validating to your child” with “letting your child treat you like garbage.” Even if you yourself are a masochistic...
View ArticleBeing Made To Constantly Listen To Your Parents’ Sad Stories Is Emotional Abuse
Many of the clients I work with are people-pleasers, nearly phobic about upsetting other people, especially within intimate relationships. Often, these people experienced childhoods in which one or...
View ArticleDo You Minimize Your Own Stressful Upbringing While Trying To Protect Your...
I have many clients who are very smart and successful, but are plagued with issues like marital conflict, low self-esteem, parenting issues, trust issues, and a host of psychological (and often...
View ArticleHow To Talk To Your Kids About Your Difficult Childhood
Reader Difficult Upbringing Problems writes, I had a question on your “parents with sad stories” post but I don’t want to out myself to Facebook. I am constantly torn between being honest when my kids...
View ArticleDivorced Parents With Split Custody: Give Kids Weekend Down Time
Shared custody is more and more common after divorce nowadays, with the most common being that each parent has the kids every other weekend. This is great in many ways, because kids get to have time...
View ArticleHow To Deal When Your Kids Prefer Your Co-Parent
As much as all (or at least most) divorced parents want their child to enjoy their time with both parents, it can be hurtful to observe that your kids seem to prefer your co-parent to you. (And...
View ArticleHaving A Healthy Sex Life With Your Spouse Is Good For Your Kids, Here’s Why
Many couples that I see in counseling are very child-centered, and place their kids far above themselves and their partners. I see many clients who prioritize their child’s every desire over their own...
View ArticleStop Overapologizing To Your Kids!
Frequent readers of this blog know that I advise you to stop letting your kids treat you like garbage, stop feeding your kids fake praise, and stop overvalidating them. This all falls under the larger...
View ArticleAre Your Early Life Experiences Stopping You From Teaching Your Child...
Many parents that I see in my practice struggle with kids who won’t listen and/or kids who “can’t” do developmentally appropriate life activities. This ranges from kids who refuse to brush their teeth...
View Article“Spirit Week” Isn’t Fun For Kids In Dysfunctional Families
In my secret Facebook group*, someone brought up the topic of how much parent involvement is expected by schools nowadays. They were mentioning how stressful it is as a parent to engage in constant...
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